Saturday, December 5, 2015

The Fraughtian Consulate of Leaders votes on defense

The Consulate of Leaders, the community organism akin to a congress or parliament, has started to vote on the creation of new branch of the Fraughtian Community called that will be called "The Fraughtian Sector of Defense". It was proposed by leader, FraughtMovie0 in an attempt to defend the community's interests as well as safeguard the integrity of the community. The Consulate however responded with little interest as the sector will mostly act upon the Xbox 360 branch of the community and not so much on other branches. It's likely that the sector will be created thanks to the influx of Fraughtlings (People who aren't Fraughtians but still play Fraughtian Maps) may affect the community's I.P. such as Brawny Bro or Deseo.

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