Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Fraughtian Point will reboot with the Point Card

So how many communities have their own quasi-currency? The Fraughtian Community does. Since 2014, the Fraughtian Community uses the Fraught Point. Originally it was a way to purchase things in the FraughtShop Map, now it's a much larger concept. Across all communities that make up the Fraughtian Community, all members use the Fraughtian Point, especially in the Xbox 360 community since it has more capital opportunities than the others. However, since FraughtMovie0 retired from leadership. the Fraughtian Point grinded to a halt due to little to no capital opportunities. Leader CuteTitanPanda has quietly announced to help the point with the new FraughtShop and the new Point Card. It's important to note that the Fraughtian Point is at a real risk of losing it's value and if it does, the FraughtShop is at risk of crashing which inherently would destroy  Fraughtian I.P.s. Let's all hope that the FP reboots!

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